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Montazah Palace

Montazah Palace

The Montaza is a great park with great landscape and greenery overlooking the Mediterranean sea, but what makes it an outstanding place in Egypt, is that it has a very distinguished nature water structure forming a small bay and preserves a long begotten royal heritage of several palaces and gardens that was built sequentially along the history.
First, the Salamlek Palace was built in 1892 under the reign of the Khedive Abbas II, as a summer hunting lodge and a residence for his companion. Now it is used as an amazing hotel with a royal vista. Later in 1932, King Fuad has built Al-Haramlik Palace as a summer house.
However, it is now considered as a presidential residence in Egypt. It has a Turkish and Florentine styles featuring two towers, one rising high above with elaborated Italian Renaissance appeal. The palace has long open arches overlooking the sea view. Unfortunately, you can’t get in the Al-Haramlik Palace as currently it’s considered to be a presidential residence when President Anwar El-Sadat renovated it to be a presidential residence.
Open for the pubic, there are several beaches, but one private beach of the Helnan Palestine Hotel is restricted to its guests only. A number of restaurants and cafes and picnic Pergolas are also available around Montaza park, and a chance to have a relaxing walk on a Renaissance bridge, small peninsulas with a yacht port available for rentals. Check things to do such as Yachting in Alexandria